Tuesday, March 01, 2005


ah i have been breaking my heart out on nagios for the last few day, i finally got it working. by the end of setting up on host(manual config of the files) to be monitored i kind of figured that i need to have in some tool to simplify the configuration management.

the next step to figure out how to get nagmin to work. i have finally got it to come uptill the webmin interface. now i need to figure out how to get the system details into it. hey by the way nagmin is a webmin module for network management. somewhere along the line it uses nmap,rrdtools etc.

the third tool connected to nagios which i am working on is Nagat. have got it up and running. only thing i need to do is set up the file permissions on the config files.Nagat is a nagios adminstration tool

this has been one tough nut to crack. possibly because in my old age i kind of figured out that i could work this module without going through the configuration instructions. ofcourse i learnt otherwise.

nifty set of tools. will post more details of this soon.

of course all this is running on a gentoo solaris distribution.


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